Speeding Ticket Attorney

Stephen A. Gravatt, Esq.
565 NJ 35
Middletown, New Jersey 07748
The consequences of receiving a Speeding Ticket in New Jersey can be greatly neutralized if you are represented by an experienced Speeding Ticket Attorney.
Operating your vehicle at an excessive rate of speed is a violation of N.J.S.A. 39:4-98 and can subject you to receiving a Speeding Ticket .
If convicted of driving from 1 to 14 mph over the designated speed limit it’s a 2 point offense;
If convicted of driving from 14 to 29 mph over the speed limit it’s a 4 point offense;
If convicted of driving from 30 mph and up it’s a 5 point offense.
The Trooper also gave me a reckless or careless driving ticket with the speeding ticket. Now what?
If the rate of speed is alleged to be more than 30 mph over the speed limit, a police officer or trooper may issue a 5 point speeding ticket plus a 5 point reckless driving ticket or a 2 point careless driving ticket (for the same event). The argument is that the act of operating the vehicle at that rate of speed also constitutes reckless conduct or careless conduct, i.e., evidence you were operating your vehicle in a manner likely to cause a collision. This has the effect of increasing your exposure for driver’s license points from 5 points up to 7 or even 10 points.
What other penalties am I exposed to if convicted?
The court will impose monetary fines in the range of $200.00 to $400.00 (for speeding) plus court costs of $33.00.
The fine can be doubled if the speeding took place in a so-called “safe corridor zone”.
Additionally, if you are convicted of driving in excess of 29 miles over the speed limit the court can impose a driver’s license suspension of 30 days or more.
The Motor Vehicle Commission can also impose surcharges and/or driver’s license suspension independent of the court.
The Motor Vehicle Commission “MVC” imposes surcharges on New Jersey licensees when the cumulative point total on a driver’s abstract exceeds 6 motor vehicle points.
Furthermore, MVC can impose a driver’s license suspension in the event that a driver’s cumulative point total exceeds 12 points regardless of the resolution in the municipal court.
Can an experienced Speeding Ticket Attorney prevent the court from imposing points and driver’s license suspension?
Yes. I have successfully handled many hundreds of speeding ticket cases for clients and have obtained reductions in the rate of speed charged, the points imposed and the amount of monetary penalties imposed; I have obtained dismissal or merger of companion reckless or careless driving tickets; obtained sentences in which driver’s license suspension was not imposed. I’ve even obtained 0 point resolutions. Of course each case must be evaluated in light of its own facts, the court personnel involved in prosecution, and so forth.
Obtain immediate help defending your case today.