Experienced controlled dangerous substance possession Attorney defends drug possession charges.

Stephen A. Gravatt, Esq.
565 NJ 35
Middletown, New Jersey 07748
An experienced criminal lawyer or a controlled dangerous substance possession attorney can help minimize the consequences to you if convicted of unlawful possession of controlled dangerous substances CDS.
What conduct constitutes the criminal offense of unlawful alprazolam Xanax possession?
An attorney will advise that N.J.S.A. 2C:35-2 defines the following drugs as controlled dangerous substances CDS.
Benzodiazepine drugs, such as alprazolam, Xanax, valium; and Opiate drugs, such as heroine, morphine, Oxycodone, oxycontin, Percocet; and
Cocaine, rock cocaine; and Methamphetamine, crystal meth; Marijuana.
An experienced criminal lawyer will advise that possession and ingestion of these drugs is only lawful if prescribed for you by a licensed physician medical doctor. If you are apprehended by police while in possession without a prescription from a medical doctor you need to retain an attorney to avoid conviction.
Every criminal attorney knows that N.J.S.A. 2C:35-10 makes simple possession without first having received a prescription from a licensed medical doctor a criminal offense.
Furthermore, an attorney knows that the same statute makes being under the influence of a controlled dangerous substance without first having obtained a prescription from a medical doctor a criminal offense. If you are apprehended by police while under the influence of a controlled dangerous substance CDS without a prescription from a medical doctor you need to retain a criminal lawyer to avoid conviction.
What are the penalties if I am convicted of possessing a controlled dangerous substance without a prescription from a licensed physician?
An experienced controlled dangerous substance possession attorney knows that possession of a controlled dangerous substance (other than marijuana under 50 grams) constitutes a 3rd degree felony crime. The penalty can be not less than 3 years nor more than 5 years jail time plus monetary penalties of up to $35,000.00 plus driver’s license suspension of up to 6 months plus felony criminal record. A criminal lawyer can help by negotiating no jail plea bargain.
Being under the influence of marijuana less than 50 grams constitutes a disorderly persons offense. The penalty can be not less than 0 days nor more than 180 days jail time plus monetary penalties up to $1,000.00 plus driver’s licence suspension of up to 6 months, plus disorderly persons criminal record. A criminal attorney can help by negotiating a plea bargain that avoids driver’s license suspension, conviction.
Can an experienced controlled dangerous substance possession attorney implement any defenses which would dismiss the charges or mitigate the penalties?
Yes. I have been an experienced controlled dangerous substance possession attorney for approximately 30 years. As a criminal lawyer I have helped many clients avoid conviction, avoid jail time, avoid loss of driver’s license, even avoid a felony criminal record for possession. An experienced attorney handling these cases must scrutinize police conduct with regard to search and seizure of the drugs seized. An attorney must scrutinize your eligibility for a noncustodial plea bargain. A criminal lawyer must scrutinize your eligibility to keep your driver’s license. An attorney must scrutinize your criminal history CCH.
If you have been charged with controlled dangerous substance CDS possession and are in need of an experienced attorney please contact me for your free initial consultation.