Experienced Marijuana Distribution Attorney defends charges of marijuana possession with intent to distribute.

Stephen A. Gravatt, Esq.
565 NJ 35
Middletown, New Jersey 07748
An experienced marijuana defense attorney can effectively defend you if charged with possession of marijuana with intent to distribute. I have obtained noncustodial probation for many clients helping them avoid jail, excessive fines, even criminal conviction for marijuana distribution.
N.J.S.A. 2C:35-5(a) makes it a criminal offense for anybody to manufacture, distribute or dispense…or to possess with intent to distribute or dispense, a controlled dangerous substance…;
N.J.S.A. 2C:35-2 defines marijuana as CDS controlled danger substance.
What penalties am I exposed to if convicted of possession with intent to distribute marijuana?
An experienced marijuana distribution attorney knows that marijuana possession with intent to distribute is a felony crime in New Jersey. Gradation is determined by the amount of marijuana possessed.
1. Marijuana distribution with possession of at least 25 pounds of marijuana or 5 pounds or more of hashish is a 1st degree crime. This conduct exposes you to not less than 10 nor more than 20 years jail time plus monetary penalties of $300,000.00 plus felony criminal record;
2. Marijuana distribution with possession of at least 5 pounds of marijuana up to 25 pounds or 1 pounds of hashish up to 5 pounds is a 2nd degree crime. This conduct exposes you to not less than 5 years nor more than 10 years jail time plus monetary penalties of up to $75,000.00 plus felony criminal record;
3. Marijuana distribution with possession of at least 1 ounce of marijuana up to 5 pounds or 5 grams of hashish up to 5 pounds is a 3rd degree crime. This conduct exposes you to not less than 3 hears nor more than 5 years jail time plus monetary penalties up to $25,000.00 plus felony criminal record;
4. Marijuana distribution with possession of less than 1 ounce of marijuana or less than 5 grams of hashish is a 4th degree crime. This conduct exposes you to not less than 12 months nor more than 18 months jail time, monetary fines of up to $10,000.00, plus felony criminal record.
Can an experienced marijuana distribution attorney dismiss the charges or mitigate the penalties?
Yes. I have been a marijuana distribution attorney for approximately 29 years. I have helped many people charged with marijuana possession with intent to distribute avoid conviction, avoid jail, even avoid a felony criminal record for marijuana distribution. Each case is fact specific and must be thoroughly reviewed. Sometimes the State cannot prove intent to distribute beyond a reasonable doubt. Sometimes the charges can be downgraded to something less consequential.
The important thing is that you retain an experienced marijuana distribution attorney to defend you.