Attorney representing minors tampering with public records or tendering false government documents | entry into drinking establishment.

Stephen A. Gravatt, Esq.
565 NJ 35
Middletown, New Jersey 07748
Any attorney will advise that showing a false identification card or a tampered with driver’s license to a police officer to establish your identity is a criminal offense.
But as an experienced criminal lawyer I can advise you that showing a false identification card of any kind to a bar employee to gain entry into a drinking establishment is also a criminal offense. As an attorney I regularly see underage individuals presenting false government documents or tampering with public records to gain entry into drinking establishments. Lawyers understand this offense is considered serious because law enforcement must rely on the authenticity of driver’s licenses to establish the identity of suspects efficiently. Think terrorist events.
As an attorney I can tell you that the greatest potential consequence of criminal conviction to any minor is loss of future employment opportunities. As a practicing lawyer and parent I understand that. I regularly represent underage individuals charged with violation of N.J.S.A. 2C:21-2.1(d) and/or N.J.S. 2C:28-7(2), in Belmar, New Jersey, Sea Bright, New Jersey, Long Branch, New Jersey, Sea Girt, New Jersey, Wall, New Jersey, Seaside Heights, New Jersey, Seaside Park, New Jersey, Long Beach Township, New Jersey, Shipbottom, New Jersey, Beach Haven, New Jersey, and I use my skills as an experienced criminal lawyer to neutralize charges against minors that presented false government documents or were tampering with public records to gain entry into a drinking establishment. As a criminal lawyer tI can help them to avoid jail time, to avoid criminal conviction by obtaining downgraded non criminal resolutions.
As an attorney, I believe this to be one of the greatest services I can perform for a minor.
First, as a criminal lawyer I must evaluate the facts. If the document is does not purport to be a driver’s license, but something more like a birth certificate, the offense is covered under N.J.S. 2C: 28-7(2), entitled “Tampering with public records or information”, which states it is a criminal event, if convicted of: “… making, presenting, offering for filing, or uses any record, document or thing knowing it to be false, and with purpose that it be taken as a genuine part of information or records….
However, any lawyer can tell you that if the document is, or is intended to look like a government issued driver’s license, then N.J.S. 2C: 21-2.1(d), entitled “Offenses involving false government documents” applies. This statute states: “ … A person who knowingly possesses a document or other writing which falsely purports to be a driver’s license or other document issued by a government agency and which could be used as a means of verifying a person’s identity or age or any other personal identifying information is guilty of a fourth degree crime.” This means a monetary fine of up to $10,000.00, plus possible jail time of up to eighteen (18) months plus a criminal conviction.
Either of these offenses can also be charged as a disorderly persons offense, which could result if convicted in a monetary fine of up to $1,000.00 plus possible jail time up to 180 days plus criminal conviction plus could preclude your eligibility from securing a job with many governmental agencies and licensing boards.
Yes. Particularly if you work, or plan in the future to work, for any government entity or school board.
If charged, please contact me. I have 30 years of experience handling this kind of violation and if retained, can help you avoid criminal conviction and possible imposition of jail time.