Experienced Attorney defends against marijuana possession in motor vehicle. What constitutes the offense of possession of marijuana in motor vehicle? I have been a marijuana possession defense Attorney for approximately 29 years. Anytime a defendant is in possession of marijuana without first having obtained a medical marijuana license or physician’s […]
Criminal Defense
What constitutes the offense of simple possession of marijuana? Marijuana is a CDS (controlled dangerous substance). As a prerequisite to lawful possession one must either obtain a New Jersey medical marijuana license or a prescription from a duly licensed physician. Otherwise, marijuana in any quantity, no matter how little, constitutes […]
CAUSING OR RISKING WIDESPREAD INJURY OR DAMAGE—N.J.S.A. 2C:17-2 If you’ve been charged with violation of 2C:17-2, if convicted, you have exposure for jail time up to 10 years, monetary fines up to $150,000.00 plus restitution, and a criminal record. I have been practicing criminal law for 26 plus years. I […]
KNOWINGLY LEAVING THE SCENE OF A MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENTRESULTING IN “SERIOUS BODILY INJURY”—N.J.S.A. 2C:12-1.1 Leaving the scene NJIf you’ve been charged with violation of 2C;12-1.1, (leaving the scene NJ) if convicted, you have exposure to a possible range of jail time from a minimum of 1 year (4th degree) to […]
RECKLESS ENDANGERMENT—N.J.S.A. 2C:12-2 If you’ve been charged with violation of 2C:12-2, (Reckless endang)if convicted, you have exposure for jail time, punishing monetary fines and criminal record. I have been practicing law for 26 plus years and have successfully handled many similar type cases. Please contact me at (732)-337-7922 for an […]
DEATH BY VEHICULAR HOMICIDE—N.J.S.A. 2C:11-5 Under what circumstances does the operator of a motor vehicle have criminal exposure for causing a collision in which a death occurs? FACT PATTERN It’s Friday afternoon and you are entertaining an important new client by meeting them for lunch. He orders a martini while […]
KNOWINGLY LEAVING THE SCENE OF A MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENT RESULTING IN DEATH—N.J.S.A. 2C:11-5.1 You are driving northbound in your Dodge ram truck down a rural road in western Monmouth County one evening at 65 mph. You know you should not be driving because the liability insurance on the vehicle lapsed […]
MANSLAUGHTER—N.J.S.A. 2C:11-4Manslaughter NJ If you have been charged with violation of 2C:11-4, Manslaughter NJ, you are exposed, if convicted, to up to 30 years jail time, up to $200,000.00 monetary fine, criminal record. I have been practicing criminal law for 26 plus years and have successfully handled many different types […]
CARJACKING—N.J.S.A. 2C: 15-2Carjacking NJ If you have been charged with violation of 2C:15-2, Carjacking NJ, if convicted, you are exposed to jail time up to 20 years, monetary fines up to $200,000.00. I have been practicing criminal law for 26 plus years and have handled many different types of criminal […]
UNLAWFUL TAKING OF MEANS OF CONVEYANCE—N.J.S.A. 2C:10-10ALSO KNOWN AS “JOYRIDING” Joyriding NJ If you’ve been charged with violation of 2C:10-10, if convicted, you could be exposed to jail time up to 5 years, monetary fines up to $15,000.00, criminal record. In my 26 years of practicing criminal law, I have […]